
Counselling in Edmonton, AB

The Affordable Therapy Network has lots of online therapy options available in Edmonton with therapists who provide sliding scale and lower cost rates.

Online Therapists available in Edmonton are listed Below

The best way to view the directory is to head to our Online Therapists page where you can search for therapists based on Fees, Community Focus, Issues, and Modalities.

Natalie Velbovets
Registered Psychotherapist, MACP
Sliding Scale: $90-$110
Riley Paskowski photo
Riley Paskowski
Student Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $40
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Penelope (Penny) Yen photo
Penelope (Penny) Yen
Registered Provisional Psychologist
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $70-$180
Danielle Safieh photo(1)
Danielle Safieh
RP (Qualifying), Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $40-$65
Sliding Scale: $40-$80
Jamie Matthews
Sliding Scale: $80-$110
Graeme Thompson photo(1)
Graeme Thompson
Graduate Intern Therapist, MA (cand), RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $35
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Christine Alejandria photo
Christine Alejandria (Dana)
Intern Therapist
Sliding Scale: $0-$70
Despina Hatzipetrakos photo
Despina Hatzipetrakos
Graduate Intern Therapist, MA (cand), RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $35
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Nicole Manson photo(2)
Nicole Manson
Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $60
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Eowyn Jordison
M.Ed. Registered Psychotherapist
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Natalie Hughes photo(1)
Natalie Hughes
Sliding Scale: $75
Lauren Adam
Lauren Adam
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
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Syrus Osborn(2)
Syrus Osborn
Sliding Scale: $82-$130
Maryam Mohamed photo(1)
Maryam Mohamed
RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $80
Sliding Scale: $100-$150
Teresa Lau
Teresa Lau
MA, BA, CCC, RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $65-$150
Wendy Sora
Wendy Sora
Registered Psychotherapist
Sliding Scale: $110-$130
Desmond Mudryk
Desmond Mudryk
MC, C.C.C.
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $80-$125
Gracia Hepburn photo(1)
Gracia Hepburn
Student Therapist
Sliding Scale: $0-75
Monica Kreiner photo
Monica Kreiner
Intern Counsellor
Low Cost Rate: $50
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Omar Medina photo
Omar Medina
Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $0 to $65
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Janine Heber photo
Janine Heber
Intern Therapist
Sliding Scale: $90-$120
Samantha Gordon photo
Samantha Gordon
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $60
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Lisa Demmer photo
Lisa Demmer
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), HBA
Low Cost Rate: $65
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Ariel Dasrath Headshot(1)(1)
Ariel Dasrath
Registered Psychotherapist, M.A., B.Sc.
Low Cost Rate: $60-$100
Sliding Scale: $60-$140
Ariadne Atkinson
Ariadne Atkinson
Registered Psychotherapist
Sliding Scale: $85-$120
Catalina Tunariu
Catalina Tunariu
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $145-165
Michael Fournier photo
Michael Fournier
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $60
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Isha Gada photo
Isha Gada
BTech, MA, RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $50
Sliding Scale: $70-$120
Alexandra Breen photo
Alexandra Breen
MA (Cand), RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $35
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Rachel Davis photo
Rachel Davis
Graduate Intern Therapist, MA (cand), RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $45
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Natalie McMullen photo(1)
Natalie McMullen
Registered Psychotherapist
Sliding Scale: $125
Solomiya Petrunko photo(2)
Solomiya Petrunko
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $70-$120
Rachel Groskopf photo(2)
Rachel Groskopf
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $65
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Sumaira Choudhury
Sumaira Choudhury
Registered Psychotherapist, MA
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $160-175
Linsay Fox photo(1)
Linsay Fox
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-$65
Sliding Scale: $65-90
Purleen Singh photo(1)
Purleen Singh
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-$65
Sliding Scale: $65-90
Henry Wong photo
Henry Wong
Master of Social Work
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Allie Dainow photo(1)
Jason Marquis
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $80-$120
Justin Michel
Justin Michel
Registered Psychotherapist
Low Cost Rate: $40
Sliding Scale: $60
Ali Peddle
Ali Peddle
Low Cost Rate: $65
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Vanessa Fingland(1)
Vanessa Fingland
Sliding Scale: $100-$175
Carolyn Murray photo(3)
Carolyn Murray
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-$65
Sliding Scale: $75-90
Leah Dhahan
Leah Dhahan
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $80 - $130
Jenna Hodgman photo(7)
Jenna Hodgman
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-65
Sliding Scale: $65-$75
Andreea Brabete
Andreea Brabete
RP (Qualifying), PhD
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $100
Tristan Wolf photo
Tristan Wolf
RP (Qualifying)
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maheen iqbal(5)
Maheen Iqbal
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $100-$140
Zhangyun (Dannie) Yan photo(1)
Zhangyun (Dannie) Yan
RSW, MSW (Qualifying), Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $50 - $65
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Rand Dahan photo(1)
Rand Dahan
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-$65
Sliding Scale: $65-90
Veronica Chase photo(2)
Veronica Chase
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $80-$120
Ashley Cohen photo
Ashley Cohen
RP (Qualifying), Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $0-$120
Sliding Scale: $0-$120
Ahmed El-Sadig
Ahmed El-Sadig
RP (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $75-$110
Manisha Grewal photo
Manisha Grewal
MA, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
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Paz Villar photo(1)
Paz Villar
Low Cost Rate: $60
Sliding Scale: $60-100
Indra Prakash photo
Indra Prakash
Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $50
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Olivia Cox photo(2)
Olivia Cox
RP (Qualifying), Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $0-$100
Sliding Scale: $0-$100
Karl Hanley photo
Karl Hanley
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-$60
Sliding Scale: $60-$75
Ali Muhammad(2)
Ali Muhammad
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $100-140
Janae Thomas photo
Janae Thomas
RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $54
Sliding Scale: $75-$100
Nyrika Mclean photo
Nyrika Mclean
Intern Therapist & RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $45
Alyx Stange photo(2)
Alyx Stange
Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $60
Sliding Scale: $20- $60
Mariam Mishriki
Mariam Mishriki
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $100-$160
Kathleen Williscroft photo
Kathleen Williscroft
Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
Low Cost Rate: $50
Sliding Scale: $70-$90
Pinar Sungur
Pinar Sungur
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $75-$100
Sliding Scale: $110-$130
Sabrina Minor photo(1)
Sabrina Minor
Registered Provisional Psychologist
Sliding Scale: $120-$220
victoria kim(1)
Victoria Kim
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
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John Gabriel Endaya photo
John Gabriel Endaya
RP (Qualifying), Intern Therapist (Practicum)
Sliding Scale: $35-$65
Lina Lee photo(2)
Lina Lee
Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC)
Sliding Scale: $80 - $130
Kristin Weaver photo(2)
Kristin Weaver
RP (Qualifying), HBA, Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $65
Joanne Bear photo
Joanne Bear
Art Therapist - RSW, DVATI
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $70-$100
Natalie McMullen
Registered Psychotherapist
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Jane Husak
Registered Psychotherapist
Sliding Scale: $100-$150
Jeanne Nortje
Jeanne Nortje
Low Cost Rate: $50
Sliding Scale: $60-$90
Mackenzie Patterson photo(2)
Mackenzie Patterson
Registered Psychotherapist Qualifying
Low Cost Rate: $0-$65
Sliding Scale: $75-90
Coco Huang photo
Coco Huang
Intern Art Therapist
Sliding Scale: $70-$100
Josiane Sanderson Therapy
Josiane Mapplebeck
Counsellor - RCT-C, CCC, PhD (Physiology), MEd
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $100-$150
Ari Abyaneh photo(5)
Ari Abyaneh
Certified Canadian Counsellor
Sliding Scale: $110
Julianna Mazzei photo(1)
Julianna Mazzei
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $0-65
Sliding Scale: $65-90
Teodora Kenny photo(1)
Teodora Kenny
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Intern
Low Cost Rate: $50
Sliding Scale: $30-$80
Bonnie Koehn photo
Bonnie Koehn
Sliding Scale: $120
Heather Thom
Clinical Counsellor, Professional Counsellor (RPC)
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $100
Nathan Darnell(4)
Nathan Darnell
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $100-$140
Elena Temelkova photo(2)
Elena Temelkova
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $110-$145
Tiina Kivinen
Tiina Kivinen
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $100-150
Meghan Holmes photo
Meghan Holmes
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $70-$150
Meghan Nimmo photo
Meghan Nimmo
BSW, MA, Registered Provisional Psychologist
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $65-$150
Mikael Dam photo(2)
Mikael Dam
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $60
Sliding Scale: $100-$145
Amandine Akaliza
Amandine Akaliza
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $60
Sliding Scale: $80 - $120
Lee Eames(1)
Lee Eames
Therapist in Training
Low Cost Rate: 65
Sliding Scale: $90
Victoria Namuli-Okoukoni photo(2)
Victoria Namuli-Okoukoni
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Intern
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $70-$90
Lionel Boodlal Headshot
Lionel Boodlal
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: 145-155
Mandy Génier photo
Mandy Génier
BA (Hons), MACP IP, Intern Therapist
Sliding Scale: $70-$90
sara nia photo(1)
Sara Nia
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Sliding Scale: $125
Evet Helou photo
Evet Helou
Intern Therapist & RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $45
Geri-Lynn Rempel
Registered Clinical Counsellor-ACS (Supervisor)
Low Cost Rate: $50
Sliding Scale: $60-135
Karin Lawless photo
Karin Lawless
MC, Registered Provisional Psychologist
Sliding Scale: $100-$200
Suzanna Derewicz
Suzanna Derewicz
Registered Psychotherapist
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $70-$140
Selene Taylor photo
Selene Taylor
Student Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $0-$45
Christina DeFranco photo(2)
Christina DeFranco
Intern Therapist, HBA Psychology, RYT-500
Low Cost Rate: $65
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Macy Poirier photo(1)
Macy Poirier
Intern Therapist & RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $45

How To Find A Therapist - Edmonton, Alberta

When looking for a therapist, first consider what your needs are.  Consider things such as affordability, training, lived experience, availability, and anything else that is important to you.  For example, are you comfortable with online therapy?  Or are you specifically looking for in person support. 

Many people prefer to work with a therapist who has specialized experience in what they are looking for.  This might come in the form of specialized training or lived experience.  Whatever the issue is, always start with a consultation.  This is your opportunity to get a feel for the therapist and ask any questions that are important to you.  If it doesn’t quite feel right, set up a consultation with someone else.

We have a large number of Counsellors available in Edmonton and the surrounding area for online therapy (anywhere in Alberta), and a smaller selection for in person therapy.  Our counsellors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and you can use our main directory to do a search for an online counsellors who meet your needs.  If you are looking specifically for counselling in person in your city/town, use this link to find them.

If you are in crisis and in need of urgent support, please call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.  You can also try the following help lines and resources:

Kids Help Phone- https://kidshelpphone.ca/

Mental Health Help Line:  Click here

Check out Togetherall to find other mental health supports and resources.

Wishing you all the best on your journey and hope you find what you are looking for!