The Affordable Therapy Network has tons of LGBTQ+ Therapists and Allies who provide sliding scale options and lower cost rates.
***NEW*** We’ve recently added new search filters so that you can sort therapists by LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and NEURODIVERGENT identities.
The best way to find them is to use our Online Therapists Directory page where you can search for therapists based on their Identity, Fees, Community Focus, Issues, and Modalities.
If your looking for a therapist to work with in person, head to our In Person Directory where you can also search therapists by Province and City and find someone near you!
When looking for a therapist it’s important to consider what your needs are. Consider things such as affordability, training, lived experience, availability, and anything else that is important to you.
Many people prefer to work with a therapist who has specialized experience in what they are looking for. This might come in the form of training or lived experience. For instance, someone who is looking for support around issues that are specific to the LGBTQ+ community, might want to find an LQBTQ+ therapist who understand their needs.
Always start with a consultation. This is your opportunity to get a feel for the therapist and ask any questions that are important to you. If it doesn’t quite feel right, set up a consultation with someone else.
Wishing you all the best on your mental health journey!
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By providing a listing of Therapists and Mental Health Practitioners throughout Canada who offer Reduced Rates, Low-Cost, and Sliding Scale fees, we aim to provide more options and increase the accessibility of Support Services. Therapists listed here work independently in private, group, or supervised practice and are not affiliated with Affordable Therapy Network.
Please Note: We list practitioners from a variety of backgrounds in order to provide options that suit the diverse needs of our site users. The listing includes registered professionals, intern therapists practicing under supervision, students from various institutions, counsellors, coaches, and more. We suggest that you speak to your practitioner to determine whether their training, qualifications, and level of experience suits your needs.
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