Affordable Therapy In Ontario
therapists with the Affordable Therapy Network offer low cost and sliding scale therapy to anyone in Ontario who can’t access standard rates.
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Below is an extensive list of FREE mental health support options in Ontario.
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Free Ontario Mental Health Resources
Table of Contents
Free Mental Health Resources
Anti-Black Racism Resources
The link below will take you to a curated list of resources including mental health support, organizations, thought pieces, and education on Anti-Black Racism.
Griffin Centre
Community-based mental health services for children, youth, young adults and adults with mental health challenges and/or developmental disabilities, and their families * may vary by program
Mood Disorder Association of Ontario
Offers free support programs to people across Ontario, and their families, who are living with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder.
Telephone Support Line:1-866-363-MOOD (6663).
Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Krasman Centre
We offer and operate all of our programs through two drop-in centres, with a variety of peer support, mental health recovery* and social services programs serving people who experience mental health extremes or labels as well as people who experience homelessness
Family Service Toronto
“At Family Service Toronto (FST), our clients are as diverse as the city itself. We serve new immigrant families, parents and kids struggling with divorce, seniors and their caregivers, women in abusive relationships, people with intellectual disabilities, the gay and lesbian community – just to name a few!”
Yorktown Family Services
Yorktown Family Services is a community-based nonprofit social services agency dedicated to providing effective, accessible, quality mental health treatment, prevention and out-reach services to children, youth, women and families in the former City of York.
“CAMH provides high quality, client-centred care to meet the diverse needs of people facing addiction and mental health challenges at different stages of their lives and illnesses– from children to adults to seniors. Clinical services include assessment, brief interventions, inpatient/ residential programs, day hospital services, continuing care, outpatient/ambulatory services, and family support.”
SKETCH Working Arts
“SKETCH creates opportunities for young people (ages 16 to 29) living street involved, homeless or otherwise on the margins, to experience the transformative power of the arts; to build leadership and economic self-sufficiency in the arts; and to cultivate social and environmental change through the arts.”
Sheena’s Place
“At Sheena’s Place we offer support to individuals, families and friends affected by eating disorders by providing a wide range of professionally facilitated support groups. We are committed to inspiring hope, reducing stigma, raising awareness and offering meaningful help and information at all stages of recovery.”
North York Womens Centre
“NYWC is a community of diverse women providing resources and support to affect positive change. We deliver this in a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all women in the community of North York and surrounding areas”
Across Boundaries
“Across Boundaries is a mental health centre which provides a range of supports and services to people from racialized communities in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who are experiencing severe mental health problems/serious mental illness. The centre believes in a holistic approach to mental health care and operates within an anti-racism/anti-oppression framework.”
“Our mission is to improve the quality of life of psychiatric consumers/survivors including those who are homeless or otherwise marginalized, through the provision of permanent affordable supportive housing and programs.”
Gerstein Centre
Provides a wide array of resources for those seeking to improve their lives, as well as for those in crisis. Philosophy: “To respect and appreciate that Recovery can be defined as the ability to live well in the presence or absence of one’s mental health difficulties and that each person with a mental health struggle needs to define for themselves what “living well” means. Recovery is different for everyone and can be supported by a range of service models.
To maintain a holistic approach to crisis management, ensuring users are made aware of, and given information, opportunity and, if necessary, proactive assistance in accessing potentially beneficial programs and services that may positively impact quality of life.
Peer Zone
Peer led workshops in mental health and addiction.
Access Point
The Toronto Mental Health and Addictions Access Point, referred to as The Access Point, is a centralized point where you can apply for individual mental health and addictions support services and supportive housing. The Access Point provides coordinated access to a number of services within the large network of service providers through one application and intake assessment process.
Creative Works Studio
This is the site for Creative Works Studio, an art studio for folks living with mental health challenges.
Alternatives is a community-based mental health agency for adults over 16 with significant mental health issues located in the East End of Toronto.
Individuals 16-65 years living with serious mental illness, geriatric mental health conditions, acquired brain injury, developmental disabilities and/or dual diagnosis * also individuals experiencing homelessness
Do You Need Immediate Support? Here are some options.
Emergency – call 911
Toronto Distress Centre – 416- 408-HELP (4357)
“Providing a confidential help-line service available 24 hours a day to persons in emotional distress.”
Connex Ontario
“ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. ConnexOntario operates three helplines:
- Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1-800-565-8603
- Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600
- Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505
Our helplines are live answer 24/7, confidential and free.”
211 Ontario
“211 is the source Canadians trust when seeking information and services to deal with life’s challenges. 211’s award-winning telephone helpline (2-1-1) and website provide a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services. 211 helps to navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 100 languages.” —>
Kids Help Phone
“Kids Help Phone is a Canadian and world leader known for our expertise and continuous innovation as Canada’s only 24/7 counselling and information service for young people. Since 1989, our trained, professional counsellors have been listening to kids, often when no one else can or will. We are always there.”
Assaulted Womens Hotline GTA: 416-863-0511 Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511
“For 30 years, the Assaulted Women’s Helpline has served as a free, anonymous and confidential 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis telephone line to all women in the province of Ontario who have experienced any form of abuse.
We provide crisis counselling, safety planning, emotional support, information and referrals accessible 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We work in tandem with community partners and sister agencies towards bridging gaps in service and identifying emerging issues or trends relevant to the women we work with.”
Click HERE for an extensive list of resources
or visit
For More Options to Find Low Cost Therapy in Toronto, click here
Mental Health Hamilton
Connex Ontario
ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. ConnexOntario operates three helplines:
- Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1-800-565-8603
- Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600
- Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505
Our helplines are live answer 24/7, confidential and free.”
Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868
“Kids Help Phone is a Canadian and world leader known for our expertise and continuous innovation as Canada’s only 24/7 counselling and information service for young people. Since 1989, our trained, professional counsellors have been listening to kids, often when no one else can or will. We are always there.”
Assaulted Women’s Hotline – GTA: 416-863-0511 Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511
“For 30 years, the Assaulted Women’s Helpline has served as a free, anonymous and confidential 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis telephone line to all women in the province of Ontario who have experienced any form of abuse.
We provide crisis counselling, safety planning, emotional support, information and referrals accessible 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We work in tandem with community partners and sister agencies towards bridging gaps in service and identifying emerging issues or trends relevant to the women we work with.”
Hamilton Mental Health Outreach
The Hamilton Mental Health Outreach is a community mental health organization that provides client-directed intensive case management services for adults who have a serious and persistent mental illness. A variety of weekly scheduled groups and activities are also offered.
Mental Health Rights Coalition
Consumer/survivor initiative, whereby individuals who have successfully coped with their own mental health issues offer support to others who are struggling. A consumer is a person with lived experiece of mental illness. Consumer/Survivor Initiatives (CSIs) are consumer-driven agencies, which allow survivors to use their coping skills to help other consumers become survivors. Non-profit organization funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, LIHN 4
COAST Hamilton
The Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) program serves the residents of Hamilton-Wentworth who have serious mental health issues and are in crisis. COAST is a multidisciplinary team consisting of child and youth crisis workers, mental health workers, nurses, social workers and plain-clothes police officers.
We offer a mobile crisis outreach service provided 24 hours a day, 7 days/week by a mental health worker and dedicated police officer from Hamilton Regional Police Service. COAST serves children, adolescents and adults and has established service agreements with a number of agencies, which provide community mental health services.
THRIVE – Child and Youth Trauma Services
Providing programs and services that focus on child abuse prevention, education and treatment.
We offer comprehensive assessment and specialized treatment for sexually victimized children and youth ages 2 to 18, for children age 12 and under with sexual behaviour problems, and support to their non-offending parents/caregivers and families.
The Outreach Assessment and Specialized Intervention Services program (OASIS) addresses unique mental health needs of immigrant and refugee children and youth and their families experiencing symptoms related to trauma or acculturation issues.
Child abuse prevention and education activities are ongoing and include school-based resources for parents and teachers, training for related professionals and a parent/caregiver group program.
Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
Offers free support programs to people across Ontario, and their families, who are living with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder.
Telephone Support Line:1-866-363-MOOD (6663).
Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
211 Ontario
“211 is the source Canadians trust when seeking information and services to deal with life’s challenges. 211’s award-winning telephone helpline (2-1-1) and website provide a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services. 211 helps to navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 100 languages.” —>
Mental Health Ottawa
Counselling and Family Services Ottawa (B)
310 Olmstead, Ottawa, ON, K1L 7K3
Phone: 613-233-8478
Services: Crisis Support, Counselling, Family Counselling, Support/Activity Group, Assessment
Referral: No
Fee: Fees may apply for certain services
Age Range: All
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region 24/7 (E)
Phone: 613-238-3311
Services: Crisis Support, Information Resources
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: All
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line 24/7 (B, O)
Phone: 1-855-242-3310
Services: Crisis Support, Information Resources
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: All
Mental Health Crisis Line 24/7 (B)
Phone: 613-722-6914 | Outside Ottawa: 1-866-966-0991
Services: Crisis Support, Information Resources
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: 16+
LGBTQ+ Counselling Centretown Community Health Centre (B)
Centretown Community Health Centre
420 Cooper St. Ottawa, ON K2P 2N6
Phone: 613-233-4443
Services: Crisis support, Counselling, Family Counselling, Information Resources
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: All
Information and Resources for LGBTQ+, Sexuality, Gender, and Cultural Diversity
Family Services Ottawa (B)
312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5
Phone: 613-725-3601
Services: Crisis Support, Counselling, Family Counselling, Assessment
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: All
Community Addictions Peer Support Association – CAPSA (B)
P.O. Box 23121 Fairlawn Plaza Ottawa, ON, Canada
Phone: 613-686-6657
Services: Support/Activity Group
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: All
Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre (B)
488 Wilbrod St. Ottawa, ON K1N 6M8
Phone: 613-563-0363
Services: Counselling, Family Counselling, Support/Activity Group, Assessment, Information Resources, Information Presentation
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range:18+
Service Access to Recovery (SAR) (B)
338 Montreal Rd. Ottawa, On K1L 6B3
Phone: 613-241-5202
Services: Assessment, Information Resources
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: 16+
Youth Services Bureau (B)
2301 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2
Phone: 613-562-3004
Services: Crisis Support, Counselling, Family Counselling, Assessment, Information Resources, Information Presentation
Referral: No
Fee: No
Age Range: 12+
For a more extensive list of resources in Ottawa, visit:
For More Places to find Lower Cost Therapy in Ottawa, click here
Mental Health Brampton
Resources for Youth
(scroll down for any age supports)
Canadian Mental Health Association Crisis Support
for youth 16 and older. Call 905.278.9036 / 1.888.811.2222.
BounceBack® Ontario
is a free skill-building program designed to help youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry.
Tangerine Walk-in-Counselling
offers free 45-minute brief consultations by phone.
Kids Help Phone
counsellors are available 24/7 via phone, text or online chat. Call 1.800.668.6868 or text CONNECT to 686868.
Black Youth Helpline
is a culturally responsive mental health and crisis support for youth, families, and those supporting them. Call 1.833.294.8650.
Naseeha Youth Helpline
is an anonymous, non-judgemental, confidential peer support for youth experiencing personal challenges and to support them in working through those challenges. Call 1.866.627.3342.
Roots Community Services
offers an interactive online series for youth and parents to cultivate social connection and emotional resilience amid the challenges of social isolation. Click here(External link) to register.
Centre for Grief and Healing (BFO-HP) offers
one-to-one peer support sessions and group support session for youth ages 6+. Call 905.848.4337 and leave a message with your contact details.
YMCA Youth Substance Abuse Program
provides free one-to-one counselling for youth 14-24.
Resources For All Ages
provides information about the different virtual mental health and wellness options, including Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
is an access point for free and confidential mental health services in Peel Region. Join in for free webinars for Parents /Caregivers : link)
Canada Suicide Prevention Service offers telephone crisis and suicide text service from 4 pm to midnight. Call 1.833.456.4566 or text 45645.
Victim Services of Peel
provides support to victims of crime and tragedy to help them overcome the impact of domestic and sexual assault, robbery, homicide, suicide and other circumstances.
ConnexOntario Addiction, Mental Health, and Problem Gambling Treatment
provides free, confidential and personalized responses 24/7 to individuals about mental health, addiction and problem gambling services. Call 1.866.531.2600.
Wellness Together Canada
is a new mental health portal from the Government of Canada, which offers online resources, tools, apps and connections to qualified mental health professionals. If you need immediate assistance, send a text to the Crisis Text Line. Text WELLNESS to 741741.
Indigenous Hope for Wellness
provides mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. Call 1.855.242.3310.
Peel Crisis Capacity Network
is a coalition of Peel organizations that provide resources and consultation to individuals with a disability in times of crisis.
Family Services of Peel
is a not for profit, multi-service agency offering counselling, family law, trauma intervention, and services for adult with developmental disabilities.