Couples & Relationship Therapists
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Low-Cost Rate is $65 or less -some limitations may apply
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The following Therapists match your criteria:
Caroline Newton
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
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Hannah White
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $50-$65
Sliding Scale: $70-$80
Karen Beattie Willis
Registered Psychotherapist
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $80-$140
Nancy Rose Wambangwa
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $100
Sliding Scale: $80 upon request
Tara Sadeghian
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $60-$80
Kim Sedgwick
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), MACP Candidate
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $60 - $80
Dalia Mohammed
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying).
Low Cost Rate: $50
Sliding Scale: $60-$120
Lauren Kalvari
PhD Cand, MSW, RSW, Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist
Sliding Scale: $115-$150
Lauren Adam
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $50-$75
Sliding Scale: $50-$75
Robyn Cheung
RP (Qualifying), MACP Candidate, Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $65
Sliding Scale: $90-$120
Stephanie Markowitz
Registered Psychotherapist, M.Ed.
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Navdeep Rai
RP (Qualifying), Intern Therapist
Low Cost Rate: $50 or less
Sliding Scale: $50-$65
Brittany Cornwall
Intern Therapist, RP (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $60
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Kyrillos Fakhouri
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) MDiv(Cand)
Low Cost Rate: $60
Sliding Scale: $70-$150
Teresa Ferreira
RP (Qualifying), CYW
Low Cost Rate: PWYC
Sliding Scale: Based On Income
Sonali Peres
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $70-$90
Linsay Fox
Registered Student Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $50-$75
Sliding Scale: $50-$75
Lola Blue Douglas
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Low Cost Rate: $80
Sliding Scale: $80 - $100
Christopher Toth
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), RP(Q)
Low Cost Rate: $45
Sliding Scale: $60-$80
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